Hot pink neon cursive letters spell the work "breathe" against a background of dark green leaves

upcoming training dates

Friday, June 18, 12-3pm PT

online via zoom

Cost: $40 Register here.

Want to schedule a private training for your whole staff? Let’s do it! Email Shauna for details and scheduling.

Trauma-Informed Support for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

It is a heartbreaking reality that the vast majority of folks with intellectual and developmental disabilities have experienced trauma.  Too many people have been abused or assaulted.  But did you know that loneliness, bullying and betrayal are also experienced by the body as trauma?

Though it is ubiquitous, trauma often goes unrecognized.  But there’s good news!  It’s actually quite easy to learn to recognize trauma and to make simple, but profound changes in the way you offer support and programming to the people you serve to not just prevent trauma but to create the opportunity for folks to heal.

In this 3-hour workshop you will learn:

  • What are the sources of trauma in the lives of people with IDD?

  • What are the physiological impacts of trauma?

  • How do we recognize symptoms of trauma (and not mis-identify them as “behavior problems”)?

  • What changes can you make programmatically to eliminate re-traumatization and support the people we serve in healing from trauma?

  • How do you recognize when someone needs therapeutic intervention and what are appropriate and effective referrals for trauma treatment?

When you understand trauma, you can truly offer the people you serve the support they need to thrive.  People can and do heal from trauma.  The way you offer care, support and services is what makes it possible.