
I'd Rather Masturbate Than Meditate: What is Erotic Embodiment Practice? Part 2

Better late than never! Finally posting Part 2 of the Erotic Embodiment series. In this post, we explore the HOW of Erotic Embodiment Practice, covering all the elements you need to know to create your own practice and start deepening your embodiment, experiencing more pleasure, and connecting to your vitality today! EnJoy!

I’d Rather Masturbate Than Meditate: What is Erotic Embodiment Practice? Part 1

This is the first in a series of posts dedicated to exploring “What is Erotic Embodiment Practice (EEP)?”  In this post, we’ll explore WHAT EEP is and WHY it works.  In the next post in this series, we’ll explore the HOW of Erotic Embodiment Practice. Enjoy!